How to Host a Clothes Swap Party
I have trouble getting rid of stuff. Like Clothes. I don’t think it’s because I’m materialistic, or addicted to shopping, or someone who loves dressing up… I think it’s because it really bothers me to just throw stuff away. I imagine it clogging up our overcrowded landfills and choking our beautiful planet. Participating in and […]

A Goofy Thought
Sometimes when my little dude starts getting restless in the car I turn on a CD of super-happy, high-pitched, child-friendly tunes. It’s not my favorite music choice, but he seems to like it. One of the most irritating songs is called “There’s a Hole in the Bucket.” I recall it from my childhood. It’s a […]

Mexico 1900-1950
On Saturday morning I mentioned to my husband that the Dallas Museum of Art had an exhibit of Mexican artists that I really wanted to see. “It’ll be here through July,” I told him, “so let’s actually put a date on the calendar to get a babysitter and go see it before it’s gone.” […]

Gypsy Soul Confessions: I Have Joanna Gaines Envy
Oh, sweet Joanna Gaines, of HGTV’s most popular show Fixer Upper, your thick dark hair makes you look like Wonder Woman, you have four beautiful children and a wise-cracking handyman for a husband. Your Design Diva status grows every day– with furniture and decor offerings and a monthly glossy magazine. You’re part of a real estate […]

Mohawk Mom
I’m secretly fascinated by another mom at my kid’s preschool. I call her “Mohawk Mom” (and by that I mean I think of her as “Mohawk Mom” because I have never spoken to her or spoken to anyone else about her.) I see her when we are picking up or dropping off our kids. Her child […]

Gypsy Soul Confessions: My house isn’t decorated
I know, that’s a real first-world problem, right? Boo hoo, I haven’t hung enough pictures or cluttered my shelves with collectibles. I mention it because I’m writing a blog about cool/edgy/boho style and in my own house, very few rooms are in a state I’d call “finished”. Furnished, But Not Finished Yes, there’s furniture in […]

My Zero-Bedroom, One-Half Bath Home (Part 1)
When people hear that I used to live in an old church, they usually say something like: “That sounds so cool!” Sounds cool. And usually it was. And sometimes (in the winter) it was downright cold. I guess my needs and my expectations for comfort and functionality were different when I was in my twenties. I didn’t […]

Pink Hair: Is it too much?
I’ve been feeling the need lately for a place to catalogue my ongoing identity crisis! Or at least, an ongoing struggle to find balance between youth and adulthood, freedom and commitment, nonconformism and establishment, my needs and my family’s needs. Anyone out there in the same boat? I mean, I know all mothers have a […]